Helpful Resources

Resources for parents, youth, educators, and youth-serving organizations

Download or click on the links below for helpful resources about underage drinking, youth brain development, educational neuroscience, prevention science, local and regional help sources.

Please check back often as we are compiling great new resources that will be added to this page over the next month!

Resource Guide

2017 Kosciusko Cares Youth Services Treatment Resource Guide – This resource guide is for families of youth who need substance use, mental health, counseling help and service options throughout Kosciusko County and surrounding communities.

LookUp Indiana

Mental and behavioral health issues can be a silent struggle. But there’s always hope on
the horizon. Whether you want to raise awareness, reduce stigma, find help or help others
– it’s time to Look Up. Then look here for resources, information and providers.

K21 Health Pavilion Partners

The K21 Health Services Pavilion is home to a variety of non-profit tenants and programs which offer health-related services and meet needs of the community. The building is here to help Kosciusko County residents by providing a single location for multiple health and social service agencies.

Indiana Prevention Resource Center
Adolescent Health
  • Can't find what you're looking for? Feel free to contact us. We're here to help.

The strength my mom and I found over the last 14 weeks is great. This program IS strengthening families!